Granilouro conquers the world with a presence on four continents… and counting.

Many years ago, the people in charge of Granilouro realised that their work could not be confined, firstly, to the Galician area and, just afterwards, to the Spanish environment. Perhaps even when the company was founded. But not even those first visionary entrepreneurs would ever have imagined the international expansion that Granilouro has been undergoing for decades and which threatens to never stop. 

Although the majority, up to 70 percent, of the company’s turnover continues to be capitalised by the work it undertakes in Spain, France, Portugal and Germany, each year this figure decreases due to the unstoppable drive of the entire production destined for more and more countries in four of the five continents. And always with a firm and decisive commitment to a strategy marked by the diversification of its customer base and the reduction of dependence on a single market.

Remodelling of the Plaza de España

Odense Tramway in Denmark

Amphitheatre of Isny in Germany

The list of countries in which Granilouro has made its mark is extensive and the best thing is that practically every month a new destination is added. The company’s active presence at the most prestigious international trade fairs and exhibitions has a decisive influence on this. The aim is none other than to learn about new market trends, to increase visibility and, above all, to establish strategic contacts and business alliances that subsequently lead to the signing of contracts.

Galician stone treated in Salceda is trodden daily in the streets of Neuilly, a stone’s throw from Paris, and also in the German cities of Hannover and Frankfurt; the inhabitants of the Danish city of Odense use a streetcar whose curbs and pododactile pieces come from a place thousands of kilometers to the south and, to give just a few examples, in the Quito subway, on that occasion by Acciona, the floors, platform curbs, stairs and special pieces are also the work of Granilouro.

The international expansion of the Galician company is particularly focused on Europe, with works in Portugal, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Poland, but it has also left its mark in Africa, with Algeria, Morocco and Ivory Coast as its main exponents. In addition, the company is also present in Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Puerto Rico and the Asian quota is covered, only for now, with Japan. 

In short, an authentic commercial world map that has only been built thanks to the implementation of a very robust logistics network, based on the efficient management of its supply chains and the optimisation of shipping processes to minimise costs and delivery times. Similarly, the ability to adapt to local regulations and, through practically customised marketing and sales strategies, to the cultural differences of the markets in which Granilouro operates, has also been absolutely essential. 
